SunEarth Solar Domestic Hot Water System, 2-4 People
SunEarth Solar Domestic Hot Water System, 2-4 People Package of parts used in a SunEarth high efficiency solar domestic hot water (SDHW) system for a family of 2 to 4 people. This parts list is offered as a guideline and may not be appropriate for all installations. Pricing is based upon flush mount bracket kits, other mounting options are available. Please contact a representative for more information.
Package Details
Package: DHW064EC-80RHE
Category: Solar Hot Water: SunEarth Closed Loop Systems
Dealer Cost: Dealers log in, Homeowners find a dealer.
Retail Price: $6,198.56
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SunEarth Collectors Installed
SunEarth Collectors Installed
Rheem Tank Installed
Rheem Tank Installed
Steca Controller
Steca Controller
Grundfos UP15-58
Grundfos UP15-58
Package Contents Qty
01-SETR32 SunEarth Collector, ThermoRay TRB-32 2 EA
04-RF01 Custom Copper Roof Flashing, 8x12 2 EA
07-RX0007 RexRack Flush Mount Bracket Kit with Clip, Black 8 EA
CD-0057 Steca SETR-0301-U Solar Hot Water Controller with 3 PT1000 Sensors 1 EA
CP-0011 Grundfos UPS15-58FC/LC Circulator Pump, Line Cord 1 EA
CP-0100 Pump Flange, Cast Iron 3/4" F 1 EA
CP-0116 Webstone Isolator, Brass Flange w/Ball Valve & Drain, 3/4"C 1 EA
PB-0045 BUSHING, BRASS 1/2 X 1/4 1 EA
PC-0100 COUPLING 1 X 3/4 CXC 1 EA
PE-0132 90 ELBOW 1C X 3/4C 1 EA
PE-0051 90 ELBOW, VENT 3/4C X 1/8F 2 EA
PE-0090 90 ELBOW 3/4C X 3/4F 1 EA
PN-0034 NIPPLE, BRASS 3/4 X 3 4 EA
PN-0032 NIPPLE, BRASS 3/4 X 2 1 EA
PP-0220 CAP, 1 COPPER 2 EA
PT-0095 TEE 3/4C X 3/4C X 1/2F 3 EA
PV-0140 VALVE, VENT #67 45 PSI 2 EA
PZ-0110 Amtrol Extrol 30 Expansion Tank 1 EA
PZ-0141 Hercules Cryo-Tek-100, Propylene Glycol, 5 Gallon Bucket 1 EA
SH-SU082E SunEarth Double Wall Heat Exchanger Solar Tank, Electric Backup, 80 Gallon 1 EA
Optional & Related Parts
07-CLIPBL SunEarth Panel Clip, Black
07-RX0001 RexRack Strut Nut with SunEarth Panel Clip, Black
07-RX0020 RexRack Hinged Front Foot, Black
07-RX0150 RexRack Adjustable Landscape Kit, Black
07-RX0190 RexRack Custom 30 Degree Fixed Landscape Kit, Black
07-RX0200 RexRack Custom 45 Degree Fixed Landscape Kit, Black
07-RX0210 RexRack Custom 60 Degree Fixed Landscape Kit, Black
07-RX0400 RexRack Rear Telescoping Leg 24"-41", Black
07-RX0410 RexRack Rear Telescoping Leg 38"-65", Black
07-RX0420 RexRack Rear Telescoping Leg 58"-97", Black
07-RX0500 RexRack Solar Strut, Custom Length, Black
07-RX0508 RexRack Solar Strut, 104", Black
07-RX0520 RexRack Solar Strut, 240", Black
07-S5-U S-5! Universal Seam Clamp