SunEarth Solar Hot Water System with Pump Station & Dual Wall HX (96,120)
SunEarth Solar Hot Water System with Pump Station & Dual Wall HX (96,120) Package of parts used in a SunEarth High Efficiency solar domestic hot water system (SDHW) for a family of 6 people. System includes 3 SunEarth Empire EC-32s, SunEarth 120HE wrap around heat exchanger tank, and SunEarth Pump Station. This parts list is offered as a guideline and may not be appropriate for all installations. Pricing is based upon flush mount bracket kits, other mounting options are available. Tank heat exchanger is double wall wrap around construction. Please contact a representative for more information.
Package Details
Package: DHW096EC-120RHE-PS2
Category: Solar Hot Water: SunEarth Systems with Pump Station & Double Wall Heat Exchanger
Dealer Cost: Dealers log in, Homeowners find a dealer.
Retail Price: $8,499.81
Package Contents Qty
01-SETR32 SunEarth Collector, ThermoRay TRB-32 3 EA
03-SE0010 SunEarth SolarStation External Control Closed Loop Pump Station 1 EA
04-RF01 Custom Copper Roof Flashing, 8x12 2 EA
07-RX0007 RexRack Flush Mount Bracket Kit with Clip, Black 12 EA
PA-0080 ADAPTER 3/4C X 3/4M 1 EA
PC-0100 COUPLING 1 X 3/4 CXC 1 EA
PE-0132 90 ELBOW 1C X 3/4C 1 EA
PE-0051 90 ELBOW, VENT 3/4C X 1/8F 1 EA
PE-0090 90 ELBOW 3/4C X 3/4F 1 EA
PN-0034 NIPPLE, BRASS 3/4 X 3 4 EA
PP-0220 CAP, 1 COPPER 2 EA
PV-0140 VALVE, VENT #67 45 PSI 1 EA
PV-0220 Honeywell / Resideo AM101-US-1 Mixing Valve, 3/4" Sweat Union, 70-145 1 EA
PZ-0141 Hercules Cryo-Tek-100, Propylene Glycol, 5 Gallon Bucket 1 EA
PZ-0110 Amtrol Extrol 30 Expansion Tank 1 EA
PZ-0099 SunEarth Expansion Tank Mounting Bracket 1 EA
SH-SU120E SunEarth Double Wall Heat Exchanger Solar Tank, Electric Backup, 120 Gallon 1 EA